The Difference in Business

The Difference in Business
The Difference in Business


We believe that The Difference offers a strong three-tiered value proposition. It is derived from the underlying benefits to the health and wellness of our clients and is further amplified by positive financial, social, and environmental impact. While The Difference’s core model is business-to-consumer, because it is ultimately a technology that is used by people, we seek to establish partnerships with businesses small and large that are interested in leveraging our added value to improve their financials as well as aligning themselves with our positive social and environmental goals. Depending on the business, we can tailor a partnership in many different ways. Ultimately, we believe there is substantial value to be realized by partnering with The Difference.


We believe The Difference has a strong three-tiered value proposition. First, are the benefits to the health and wellness of our clients. Second, is how these benefits positively impact financials. Third, is how partnering with The Difference creates alignment with social and environmental responsibility.

Client Value Proposition

Our ideal clients are ones that want to achieve various weight management goals including losing, gaining, or maintaining a healthy weight (read more about this in: “What Does Weight Management Mean?). Our ideal clients may also be those who are facing weight-related health problems, not least of which is obesity, but also diabetes, heart disease, stroke and others. These clients may have relatively minor goals like “I want to lose weight” or “I want to look better”, or their goals may be much more significant like “I want a better quality of life” or “I want to live longer”. The common thread among all the goals is that they have great personal importance and achieving them will trigger relief, self-confidence, and happiness, not to mention improved health and wellness. The Difference is ideally suited to assist our clients because we offer them the most advanced weight management technology with respect to predictive ability and intuitive design. They will learn about themselves and the impact of consumption choices and activity, while at the same time getting real-time feedback and daily progress reports. The Difference will continue to build upon the many success stories of our clients.

Financial Value Proposition

Our ideal partners are ones that may suspect, actually identified, or even quantified a financial cost related to employee health that is associated with weight problems and weight-related comorbidities. The costs may result from reduced productivity as well as medical and insurance expenses. Therefore, our partners stand to benefit from their employees using our technology given that The Difference is an effective weight management tool. From a financial standpoint, partners who deploy The Difference in their workforce will realize improved productivity and lower medical and insurance expense. We believe partners will find The Difference attractive because our Unique Selling Points (USPs) sets us apart from the competition. Through our leading USP, “Predictive”, we are the only technology that offers an advanced, proprietary model that forecasts daily estimated weight change. For our second USP, “Simplified”, not all competitors offer quick registration, easy navigation and fast data entry, and no competitor provides prominent visual results. Lastly, our third USP is “Affordable”, whereby we are the only competitor to offer an aggressively priced freemium model with a discount for annual subscription. By choosing The Difference, we believe our partners will have selected a uniquely positioned company and the monetary benefit will far exceed the costs associated with deploying our technology.

Social and Environmental Value Proposition

Our ideal partners are ones that may lack the resources to achieve or want to outsource the goal to improve the health and wellness of one or more targeted communities. The partner’s business operations may have no direct connection to the health and wellness field. Potential partners may want to add to their existing community-oriented programs, but don’t know how do so themselves, or they may have no such programs in place. They may be looking for a partner to achieve these goals, but don’t know where or with whom to invest. For all these reasons, The Difference provides a solid solution. Our mission is to improve health and well-being and we aligned with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) #3 “Good Health and Well Being” and #10 “Reduced Inequalities.” . The Difference is also a minority and women owned, operated, and advised business and is seeking supplier diversity certification(s). In addition, our partners will find that our advanced predictive weight change technology is unique. Therefore, a partnership with The Difference is difficult to replicate elsewhere and shows commitment to improving health and well-being, health outcomes, and reduced inequalities. Our company is particularly devoted to targeted communities where the impact is greatest. These are key components of social and environmental responsibility. In this regard, we believe that our partners will realize significant value and secure growth by working with The Difference.

Case Examples

A partnership with The Difference can be tailored in many ways. Here are some case examples:

  • Small businesses, or even unformed entities, like personal trainers, dieticians and nutritionists, and weight management coaches or clinics, can produce better client and patient outcomes by recommending the use of our technology to help achieve weight management goals.
  • Local gyms or larger gym chains can also recommend the use of our technology for improved performance in strength and fitness for their clients. We are open to mutual advertisement and could consider offering discounted subscription prices, perhaps in exchange for discounted memberships.
  • Groceries and supermarkets can also take advantage of mutual advertisement and we could consider offering discounted subscription prices, perhaps in exchange for grocery coupons.
  • While nearly all sizeable restaurant chains and food manufacturers, even ones with only a handful of locations or products, are already incorporated into our food database, we can add menu and/or product nutrition data for ones that are missing. This is a form of advertising – appearing in our database means clients can discover new products when searching for items to add to their Food Journal. Once again, these companies can also take advantage of mutual advertisement and we could consider offering discounted subscription prices, perhaps in exchange for coupons.
  • The Difference can add value to the medical community, and related products and services, by integrating our data into Electronic Health Records (EHRs). When it comes to weight-related data, EHRs are generally limited to tracking an individual’s weight and Body Mass Index (BMI). Not only can The Difference provide these two data points, but it can also provide a client’s Base Burn (a Basal Metabolic Rate estimation) and True Burn, a personally, calibrated estimate of a client’s actual caloric burn rate. Because The Difference can update EHRs remotely, this saves time and effort for both patient and practitioner. Updating these data points on a regular basis will assist any medical professional who needs to track them and will be particularly beneficial to facilitating treatment of patients who are trying to manage their weight or are being treated for weight-related health illnesses. Real time updates may also assist intervention if any of the data points are found to be outside a given range.
  • Insurance companies are in a unique position to be able to offer reduced life insurance premiums or to subsidize the use of our technology to their clients to achieve healthy weight targets. To facilitate these partnerships, we are currently in the process of obtaining FDA approval to test the efficacy of The Difference to address obesity and fatty liver disease.
  • The Difference potentially offers a valuable management tool that may be attractive as an ancillary service for inpatient and outpatient treatments for hospital and health entities. We can also integrate hospital food service menus into our technology to help providers for improved monitoring of patient weight.
  • Similarly, colleges and universities can incorporate their dining service menus into our technology, to help students manage weight and avoid such things as the so-called “Freshman 15.” The Difference could be of particular benefit to student athletes.
  • Medium and large corporations can benefit from improved employee productivity and decreased medical and insurance expenses stemming from weight problems and the impact of comorbidities of diseases that are exacerbated by weight problems. We believe that the monetary benefit can far exceed the costs of subsidizing the use of our technology by employees.

Establishing a Partnership

As described in the examples above, the first step in a business partnership with The Difference may be to simply come on board as a supporter. Let’s strike up a conversation. We warmly welcome new partners to be featured as businesses that promote health and wellness on our website and ask to be featured as a partner on a counterparty’s website. This act of good will is magnified by The Difference’s alignment with ESG SDG #3 “Good Health and Well Being” and #10 “Reduced Inequalities.” In terms of impact on the bottom line, the potential revenue generated to our counterparties from mutual advertisement will grow proportionally as The Difference scales. The next step in a partnership might be to offer discounted subscription prices to use The Difference to our counterparty’s employees or clients. Perhaps in exchange, we could offer coupons or discounts to our partner’s products and/or services. Incorporating food nutrition data creates an interesting opportunity for restaurants, food manufacturers, hospitals, colleges, and universities. Insurance companies are in a unique position to prolong the health of their customers. Lastly, we believe that use of The Difference by employees could result in a major benefit to the financial strength of corporations.


Are you a business looking to partner with a weight management company or did this article introduce the idea of doing so? If yes, please leave your comments below. For more information about our B2B model or becoming a business partner, please contact us at

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