What Does Weight Management Mean?

What Does Weight Management Mean?
What Does Weight Management Mean?


Weight management is a subject that should have a more holistic and balanced approach that goes beyond the traditional, outdated focus on weight loss. Moreover, the purpose of any business or professional working in this field should be to help clients achieve and maintain healthy weight goals. The Difference is built based upon this broader approach and purpose. However, when searching for support, people are generally inundated with the marketing of products and services that are centered only upon weight loss. If you have found this article and discovered The Difference, you should know that you are in good company. We offer effective weight management technology that incorporates all elements of the weight change equation and is designed to assist clients with any range of healthy weight-related goals. We believe there is substantial value to be realized by using The Difference.


In Brief

Weight management is achieved through physical and physiological procedures that contribute to a person’s ability to attain and maintain a certain weight. Most of these encompass commitment to long-term lifestyle strategies that promote healthy consumption and regular exercise. The Difference works in tandem with these lifestyle adjustments by providing an effective tool to monitor and predict progress.

Different Goals

Why should weight management look beyond weight loss? A recent poll indicated that 53% of Americans describe their weight as being “about right” and 5% describe themselves as being underweight. A large percentage, 41%, described themselves as being overweight. [1] Some observations that can be made from this data are that:

  • There is a large segment of the U.S. population that is at, and should therefore be interested in, maintaining a healthy weight. In about as much time to check news headlines or get an update on your bank or investment accounts, our clients can use The Difference to monitor their weight because of it’s streamlined and intuitive interface.
  • We also know that weight fluctuates, it is not static. People who are happy with their weight one day, may frequently find themselves 5-10 pounds below or above their ideal weight in relatively short periods of time. The Difference can assist them in getting back to the norm.
  • The fact that 5% of Americans describe themselves as underweight might be misleading. Feeding America predicted that food insecurity is projected to affect 12.5% of Americans, although not all of those affected may be underweight. The Difference can assist with achieving weight gain by helping clients maintain a level of calorie consumption that is above their caloric burn threshold.
  • We also suspect that the number of people that are interested in gaining weight may be much higher if the poll were directed at athletes, gym-goers and, especially, bodybuilders. Our technology can not only assist in healthy weight gain, but also tracks body fat percentage, as we expect many clients that have weight gain goals want to maintain, or even increase, lean body mass. For an interesting discussion on this subject, please read: “Time to Flex”.
  • Lastly, there is certainly a large market of people that have weight loss goals. This is especially true in the U.S., where the rate of obesity is higher than many other countries. Of the 41% of Americans that described themselves as overweight, about 10% of them said they were very overweight. Within the U.S. there are also certain demographics where weight problems are more acute. To understand our commitment to serving these populations, please read: “The Difference in the Community”.

Value Proposition

Our ideal clients are ones that want to achieve these various weight management goals. They may also be ones who are facing weight-related health problems, not least of which is obesity, but also diabetes, heart disease, stroke and others. These clients may have relatively minor goals like “I want to lose weight” or “I want to look better”, or their goals may be much more significant like “I want a better quality of life” or “I want to live longer”. Regardless of the severity of the client’s goal(s), they all have great importance and achieving them will trigger relief, self-confidence, and happiness. The Difference is ideally suited to assist our clients because we offer them the most advanced weight management technology with respect to predictive ability and intuitive design. They will learn about themselves and the impact of consumption choices and activity, while at the same time getting real-time feedback and daily progress reports. The Difference will continue to build upon the many success stories of our clients.

Holistic Approach

We have intentionally built The Difference as a holistic and balanced technology that can help clients achieve and maintain healthy weight goals. This is reflected in our marketing, where we communicate our support of real people wherever they are in their weight journey. Weight management is a process, and we want to be a part of our clients’ journeys. In today’s world of inclusivity, such things as body shaming, labeling foods as “bad” versus “good”, and glorification of unrealistic images is antiquated and unhelpful. Instead, we promote education, discovery, self-consciousness and strive to provide our clients with the most accurate, personalized, and real-time analytics as possible. We invite you to Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms @TheDiffApp (see links in the footer below).


When building a weight management technology, both sides of the equation must be addressed – nutrition and activity. This is the basic template for weight technology. But why stop there? The Difference facilitates becoming increasingly conscious of food choices and the contribution from a comprehensive database of activities that goes far beyond traditional forms of exercise like jogging, including such varied things as gardening and vacuuming. However, we are the only technology in this marketplace that arrives at a concrete conclusion by informing our clients how their choices throughout the day will have immediate impact on their weight. With use over time, we further personalize the weight change with increasingly accurate estimates. This predictive value is a core feature of The Difference , and we think our client’s will love it. Please email us at Info@TheDifferenceApp.com for more information, or join our mailing list.

[1] “Americans’ Self-Assessments of Their Weight Situation”, Gallup Poll Social Series: Health and Healthcare, November 2020.

2 thoughts on “What Does Weight Management Mean?”

  1. Pingback: Where is Added Sugar Found? - The Difference

  2. Pingback: Portion Control is Crucial for Weight Management - The Difference

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