How to Get Sweeter Coffee without Adding Sugar

Different cups of coffee
Which is the sweeter coffee?


Did you know that it is possible to get sweeter coffee without adding sugar? And we are not talking about saccharin (pink Sweet’N Low packets), aspartame (blue Equal packets), or sucralose (yellow Splenda packets). Neither do you need to opt for a sugar alternative such as stevia, honey, or monk fruit.

Lighter Roasts are Sweeter

One easy way to achieve a cup of sweeter coffee is to opt for lighter versus darker roast coffee. Coffee roasting process itself tends to reduce the natural sweetness of coffee, resulting in lighter roasted beans being generally sweeter.

Bean Selection

Bean selection can also produce a cup of sweeter coffee. You can treat yourself to smelling a variety of beans when visiting a gourmet coffee and tea shop. If you are lucky, you might be able to do the same at your local supermarket or grocery store. Some beans will have sweeter flavor profiles and will be described with notes of chocolate, fruit, or caramel.

Sweeter Flavored Coffee Beans

Also consider flavored coffee beans for your selection, such as French vanilla. Despite the beans and brew smelling significantly sweeter, affecting taste and aroma, the number of calories is not significantly higher. The flavoring applied to the beans is usually in the form of natural or artificial extracts that contribute minimal calories.

Grind Size

Grind size will be your next decision. This too can produce sweeter coffee, because it affects the extraction rate and balance of flavors during brewing. We found that finer sizes allow for faster extraction of sugars but risk over-extraction and bitterness. In contrast, coarser sizes may result in weaker flavors and reduced sweetness. Thanks to Laura Honey for quoting us about this in her article entitled “How to sweeten coffee without sugar.”

Sweeter Brewing Methods

Brewing methods can also affect results. The pour-over method offers greater control and can produce a sweeter cup. Second might be the French press method, which can result in a more robust and earthy flavor profile. The extended brewing process used in percolation can lead to over-extraction and potential bitterness. Lastly, using more and higher-quality water can enhance the natural sweetness of coffee.


There are many ways to achieve a sweeter cup of coffee without adding sugar. Incidentally, there are also many, many more ways to actually add sugar or sugar substitutes. Click here to find out more information about The Difference weight management app.

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